Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System coming Nov 2016

Classic Mini Nintendo Entertainment System

While Atari and Sega (among others) have been mining the mini-retro console market for over a decade, Nintendo has remained conspicuously absent – until now. The Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System will be available this November for $59.95. [Pre-order on]

While I’m not the biggest Nintendo fan, this is a very compelling package. Wii controller support, HDMI output and a great list of included games: Continue reading “Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System coming Nov 2016”

Retro Gaming Podcasts

I spend a solid 90 minutes on the road every weekday commuting to and from work, so I spend much of that time listening to podcasts.  I’ve always been a fan of gaming podcasts, but recently I’ve been listening to several geared around older consoles and computers.

This list is by no means comprehensive, just some of the ‘casts I’ve found to be both entertaining and informative: